
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

South Region Membres

P. v.d Haak Handelskwekerij BV

10 au 13 juin 2025

À propos de nousP. v.d Haak Handelskwekerij BV

P. van der Haak Handelskwekerij
L’entreprise P. van der Haak Handelskwekerij est une entreprise horticole familiale spécialisée dans la production de jeunes plants de pélargonium geraniums depuis de nombreuses années. Cette spécialisation nous permet de livrer des jeunes plants à divers stades de croissance tout au long de l’année. Notre devise n’est.pas pour rien “le pélargonium, de la bouture ’à la plante!”.

Perry van der Haak

These sturdy upright Pelargoniums with their bright colours will always be favourites for gardens, balconies and patios. Choose from an updated assortment of versatile Toscana ® zonale Pelargoniums and you'll have everything you need for a successful season. From green-leaved to dark-leaved varieties in familiar colours to the striking new Magic Eyes varieties, you can give your customers exactly what they
These dense, trailing Pelargoniums are easy to control and have the best branching habit, retaining their shape right through from nursery to garden. Our superior quality plants create a magnificent trailing display in baskets and window boxes. They are specially selected for early flowering, excellent uniformity and good garden performance in all weathers in warm and cold climates. From double and single-flowered Peltatums in popular colours to special two-colour Lollipop varieties, you can give your customers exactly what they
Make your Pelargonium season more successful than ever and surprise your customers with Toscana Pelargonium Interspecific Galaxy – the perfect way to enhance your Pelargonium programme. Following on from our long and intensive breeding efforts, we proudly present Pelargonium Interspecific Galaxy, the best of our Zonale and Peltatum Pelargoniums combined in one plant, featuring big, sturdy flowers on a denser looking plant with good branching with exceptional good summer

Produits top 10P. v.d Haak Handelskwekerij BV

  1. Smart Senna ®
  2. Smart Splash ®
  3. Dolce Vita Mylena ®
  4. Dolce Vita Emma ®
  5. Dolce Vita Evi ®
  1. Trend Salmon ®
  2. Estelle (Appleblossom) ®
  3. Medio Lollipop Nixe ®
  4. Medio Lollipop Mariska ®
  5. Galaxy Dark Red ®