
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Germany Region Membres


10 au 13 juin 2025

À propos de nousWesthoff

L'avantage Westflowers
Westhoff vous accueille pour une nouvelle année Westflowers. Depuis nos débuts comme
Producteur de produits finis en Europe, nous sommes l’une des entreprises leaders, le jardinier bien
de nouvelles races pouvant être fabriquées et fournit au commerçant des concepts bien pensés.
Jardiniers amateurs et consommateurs finaux, ces nouveautés offrent enthousiasme et plaisir.

Vidéo nouveautésWesthoff

Vidéo d'entrepriseWesthoff

Passion Combo Great Rift Mix
Passion Combo Great Rift Mix
An amazing new Passion Combo for 2022/2023, Great Rift Mix combines two new Lobelia varieties, Rift Blue and Rift Purple, to create a dynamic and striking look for gardeners around the world. The New Rift varieties stand apart with boldly variegated blossoms that cover heavy branching, compact-mounding plants
Dianthus Best Friends Forever Rose
Dianthus Best Friends Forever Rose
A bold new direction for Westhoff! Dianthus Best Friends Forever Rose is just one variety of an entirely new series featuring compact, heavy branching plants with abundant single blooms that flower constantly. With six solid and bicolor hues to choose from, they are the perfect plant for a grab-and-go gift item for your BFF!
Calibrachoa Illusion
Calibrachoa Illusion
A truly unique variety. Westhoff is pleased to present Illusion: a totally new color pattern in Calibrachoa that is like nothing seen before. Multiple rings of color, each one more intense than the previous, make Illusion the hottest new bed and balcony plant for 2022/2023. Ideal for small pots or in window boxes and planters, the tidy, mounding plant is covered with blooms from early-Spring through

Produits top 10Westhoff

  1. Calibrachoa Illusion
  2. Dianthus Best Friends Forever Rose
  3. Petunia Crazytunia Lighthouse Pink
  4. Petunia Flower Showers Flame
  5. Calibrachoa Dracula
  1. Lobelia Rift Blue
  2. Lobelia Rift Purple
  3. Dianthus Best Friends Forever Scarlet
  4. Scaveola ToppoT Yellow
  5. Calibrachoa Calitastic Tricolor Pink