
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people


10 - 13 June 2025

FlowerTrials® maintains strong and stable position

After 4 days of plants, people and many thousands of conversations, FlowerTrials® closed the doors with just over 5300 visitors, 5% above the number of visitors in 2023. From young plant producers and growers over wholesalers and retailers to green marketing experts and suppliers, professionals working with pot and bedding plants from over 80 countries gathered to seek inspiration for future assortments and discover the latest trends.

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FlowerTrials®: Key event of the year for Pot and Bedding Plants

One week to go until doors open on 11th June and visitors from 70 countries have already registered to attend the 20th anniversary edition of FlowerTrials, the premier event of the year in Pot and Bedding Plant Breeding.

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20 Years FlowerTrials®:From joint open days to prime event for assortment inspiration and networking

FlowerTrials® 2024 opens its doors from 11th to 14th June.Over the past two decades, FlowerTrials® has evolved from a joint promotion initiative set up by a handful of breeders into a key event within the global horticultural community. No less than 59 companies will be exhibiting this year in week 24 for the 20th Anniversary edition.

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FlowerTrials® 2023 re-establishes its true international character

Ask any exhibitor at FlowerTrials 2023 what the difference was versus last year, and they will reply ‘’even more international visitors’’. Visitor numbers from key countries outside Europe were indeed higher with visitors registered from no less than 87 different countries. Making and maintaining international contacts remains one of the key advantages for breeders exhibiting at FlowerTrials. While customer visits can be easily made locally, hosting an overseas customer at FlowerTrials, with the opportunity to show and discuss new items in the assortment, is a key benefit.

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FlowerTrials Widens its Regional Horizons in Week 24

Registration for FlowerTrials, the ornamentals breeding event of the year, has been open for several weeks now and many dedicated visitors from all over the world have been quick to register for their annual opportunity to view all that is new and inspirational in pot and bedding plants!

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Registrations are open for FlowerTrials 2023Must-visit event for pot and bedding plant professionals

FlowerTrials® once again welcomes ornamental horticulture professionals from around the world in week 24. From 13 to 16 June, no fewer than 60 breeders of pot and bedding plants will present their innovations, impressive product ranges and creative concepts. For growers, FlowerTrials® showcases the latest novelties for the upcoming season with experts on hand to provide cultural support. For wholesalers and retailers, the event is an outstanding opportunity to meet the breeders, examine the top varieties and have the opportunity to view and influence trends.

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Positivity prevails at sun-drenched FlowerTrials®FlowerTrials® reaffirms itself as the major pot and bedding plant event

The vibe at FlowerTrials® could not have been more positive is the conclusion shared by both exhibitor and visitor! After a gap of 3 years everyone who has business in pot and bedding plants and was able to travel visited FlowerTrials® to see the latest developments in ornamental breeding, glean information on new commercial opportunities and meet with each other!

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FlowerTrials® is back with a bang!Spectacular plant displays on show

With around a week to go until the doors open for FlowerTrials® 2022, the participating breeders are busy putting the finishing touches to the very best plant displays and preparing to welcome guests.After an absence of 2 years, the event is promising to attract a substantial a substantial number of visitors.

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Plants and People will meet again in person at FlowerTrials 2022!FlowerTrials® 2022

After the cancellation of the 2020 edition and last year’s digital alternative ‘Studio FlowerTrials’, the organisation is preparing again for a classical edition with physical attendance. From 14 to 17 June, over 60 breeding companies in the Westland (NL), Aalsmeer (NL) and Rhineland Westfalen (DE) area will open the doors at 29 locations to show their latest assortment in pot and bedding plants to growers, exporters and buyers from across the world.

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FlowerTrials® launches ‘Studio FlowerTrials®’

Meeting its commitment to the members and industry, FlowerTrials® proudly launches the digital alternative ‘Studio FlowerTrials®’. Studio FlowerTrials® will broadcast online on three days in week 24, bringing the latest top novelties in pot and bedding plant breeding to growers, wholesalers, retailers and all interested parties within the worldwide ornamental industry.

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FlowerTrials® cancels 2021 edition

While the mood was still cautiously optimistic a few weeks ago, the ongoing and unstable situation in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic has led FlowerTrials to take the decision to cancel the physical event for 2021.

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FlowerTrials® holds all options open for week 24

Taking into account the options available with outdoor exhibition venues and well ventilated greenhouses, together with the ongoing vaccination schemes, FlowerTrials® remains carefully positive that a physical event in week 24 can take place. The group of 60 companies holding FlowerTrials® at 28 locations has set 31st of March as a cut-off date for a final decision on the format of this year’s event: will breeders open their doors, exhibit plants and receive visitors; will the event revert to a digital format or will there be a hybrid edition? Meanwhile, most exhibitors have confirmed their participation and started plant production.

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FlowerTrials 2020 cancelled

The situation in regard to the COVID-19 virus develops daily, if not hourly. The industry and the whole world is constantly being faced with a new and changing reality, one that requires a fluid response to the developments. The FlowerTrials Board has been continuously monitoring the situation, and in light of the emerging European and global situation, and the threats to both health and commerce, the Board has decided not to wait for the previously announced deadline of April 6th, but has taken the collective decision to cancel the FlowerTrials event in week 24 with immediate effect.

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FlowerTrials® Board sets 6th April as deadline to cancel or proceed

Following the general guidelines relating to the COVID-19 Corona virus in The Netherlands, the FlowerTrials Board has collectively decided to wait until April 6th before taking a final decision on whether to cancel the physical FlowerTrials event completely or go ahead, if necessary perhaps in a slimmed down form. The situation is monitored on a daily basis and any amendment to this decision will be communicated immediately.

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Even the rain could not dampen the spirits!

With 7007 unique visitors from 66 countries, FlowerTrials continues be the centre of floriculture in week 24. No less than 62 breeders showed hundreds of new introductions and many more existing pot and bedding plants to growers, distributors and retailers from across the world. In the words of new FlowerTrials exhibitor Gaël de Cock from De Cock Plants, ”FlowerTrials was top”. Michael Perry, UK social media reporter, stated that “he will never get tired of going to this wonderful, creative, colourful event.”

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Breeding in the spotlight at the FlowerTrials!FlowerTrials® 2019

From 11th – 14th of June the focus of the international floricultural industry is on new pot and bedding plants. Three regions, Westland, Aalsmeer and Rheinland Westphalia, play host to visitors from all over the world looking to discover the latest developments and trends.

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FlowerTrials® in week 24; a must-see for green professionalsFlowerTrials® 2019

From 11th to 14th June, 62 breeding companies in the Westland and Aalsmeer areas (The Netherlands) and Rheinland Westfalen area (Germany) will open their doors at 31 locations to show their latest assortment in pot and bedding plants to growers, exporters and buyers from across the world.

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FlowerTrials maintains strong positionFlowerTrials® 2018

Despite an increasing number of events in week 24 vying to attract horticultural visitors, FlowerTrials continues to maintain its strong position, reporting a 2.3% rise in visitor numbers compared to last year to reach a total of 7,300. With an average of five visited locations per person, the number of visits per visitor remains stable.

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Defining the 2019 assortment is key at the FlowerTrialsFlowerTrials® 2018

FlowerTrials is the key event at which to choose next season’s pot and bedding assortment. From Petunia through Phalaenopsis to Pelargonium and Primula, the latest breeding achievements in major crops as well as niche products are presented at the 32 locations. FlowerTrials can also be the moment to share business and promotional plans for next season.

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FlowerTrials® gathers 60 breedersFlowerTrials® 2018

Block week 24 in your calendar now! From 12 to 15 June, no less than 60 breeding companies in the Westland (NL), Aalsmeer (NL) and Rheinland Westfalen (DE) areas will open their doors to show their latest assortment in pot and bedding plants to growers, exporters and buyers from across the world.

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FlowerTrials® 2017: 4 out of 5 exhibitors see rise in visitor numbersFlowerTrials® 2017

With 7,135 registered visitors from 67 countries, the FlowerTrials reports 2017 as another successful year. The total number of visitors in the Netherlands went up considerably.  No less than 5,557 persons made the trip to the Westland region, an increase of 6% over last year. Also the Aalsmeer region, which has grown strongly over the last few years, saw again a rise with 3,653 visitors, 4.4% more than in 2016. As many people visit both regions, the increase for The Netherlands as a whole is 3.5% with a total visitor number of 6,395.

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New route planner on FlowerTrials websiteFlowerTrials® 2017

The increasing success of the FlowerTrials® brings new challenges. The number of exhibiters and locations grows each year so careful planning becomes key! A successful FlowerTrials® experience doesn’t have to wait until 13th June, it can start right now.

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Where plants meet people - 13th to 16th JuneFlowerTrials® 2017

Grab your agenda and block week 24 now! From 13 to 16 June, no less than 59 breeding companies in the Westland (NL), Aalsmeer (NL) and Rheinland Westfalen (DE) area will open the doors to show their latest assortment in pot and bedding plants to growers, exporters and buyers from across the world. 

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A key platform for pot and bedding plant innovationsFlowerTrials® 2016

Would you like to see a recap of the latest pot and bedding plant introductions presented at the FlowerTrials? Maybe you were unable to visit this event or could not see all the locations you had planned for?

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FlowerTrials attracts 13% more visitorsFlowerTrials® 2016

With 7365 registered visitors from 67 countries, the FlowerTrials reports 2016 as a record year. The number of locations visited increased by 10% with 32,286 individual visits being registered, an average of almost 4.5 per person. As many locations host several breeders, the average number of companies visited per person is significantly higher. European visitors showed a considerable increase and there was an impressive surge in the interest from Asia, Canada and South America echoing the general trend that FlowerTrials is a key floricultural event worldwide.

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Nine exhibitors change location at FlowerTrials

Following recent changes in the Dutch nursery landscape, nine pot and bedding plant breeders have had to look for a different location to display their innovations in week 24.

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52 Events from 14th to 17th JuneThe FlowerTrials® take place in week 24

Block week 24 now! This year’s edition of the FlowerTrials® takes place from 14th to 17th June.At 30 locations in the Westland and Aalsmeer area in The Netherlands and Rhineland Westfalen in Germany, no less than 52 companies will be displaying their latest assortment in pot and bedding plants to wholesalers, growers and retailers.

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FlowerTrials® product highlight videos onlineMissed the FlowerTrials® this year?

Missed the FlowerTrials® this year? Not visited all the locations you had hoped to? Videos presenting introductions for the 2016 season from a selection of FlowerTrials® exhibitors. View these on the FlowerTrials® website are now online. View or the dedicated FlowerTrials® Vimeo channel:

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11% increase in visitors to FlowerTrials® 2015Bedding and Pot plant event continues to grow

The 2015 edition of the FlowerTrials® has attracted more visitors from more countries visiting a higher number of locations than ever. Compared to last year, the total number of visitors

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Worldwide attention for the FlowerTrials®One in four of the pre-registered visitors comes from outside Europe

With approximately one week to go, registrations for the FlowerTrials® are in full swing. Remarkably 25% of all pre-registered visitors come from outside Europe. Within that segment, the top five countries are Japan, Russia, Iran, the U.S.A and Australia. 43% of the visitors come from hosting countries The Netherlands and Germany and 32% from other European countries with France, the U.K. and Italy leading the field.

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FlowerTrials® makes visiting easier than ever

With an increasing number of participating companies, choosing the right route during the FlowerTrials®, the top Pot and Bedding Plant event, requires some planning. No less than 49 breeders at 30 locations in Westland and Aalsmeer in The Netherlands and Rheinland Westfalen in Germany will show their pot and bedding innovations, creative concepts and a wide range of crop assortments in week 24. As of this year a bi-weekly FlowerTrials ® online newsletter presenting the highlights of the exhibiting companies is being issued in the months leading up to the event.

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Don’t miss the FlowerTrials®!The 2015 edition will take place from 9 - 12 June

This year’s edition of the FlowerTrials® will take place from 9th to 12th June 2015. No less than 49 companies will open their doors to display the latest assortment in pot and bedding plants to wholesalers, growers and retailers in the Westland and Aalsmeer area in the Netherlands and in Rhineland Westfalen in Germany.

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10th Anniversary FlowerTrials® a huge success

The Tenth Anniversary edition of the FlowerTrials® was highly successful. The event, which took place from June 10th - 13th, attracted more visitors than ever. Growers, wholesalers and retailers came from all corners of the globe to visit the 42 participating companies.

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